Why go to all the trouble of putting together this web site? Are you nuts?
Well, to answer the second part of the question first..YES!
Now the first part: I love the wonderful hobby of metal detecting. I’ve rolled around the idea of starting a website for years, but finally got motivated to do it. There are lots of great sites out there in internet land, related to detecting, but I hope this one fills a different niche.
Detector Stuff strives to be an ever-growing database of information to assist people in their pursuit of hobby metal detecting. To facilitate this, articles and information are very, very “searchable”. We also have incorporated a “related stories” feature which will help suggest other related posts that you may find useful. We are also open to suggestions! If you have ideas for a feature you would like to see, let me know and I’ll do my best to make it happen. Suggestions can be sent to [email protected]
Hopefully, here at DetectorStuff you’ll find fun, friends and information. Does it get any better than that?
Come on in, kick your shoes off and enjoy your stay!
-Detector Stuff