RUTUS Metal Detectors have a reputation for strong target separation and depth. Their latest offering is the Versa, but unfortunately there are no vendors in the USA. However, the rest of the world will tell you about their amazing capabilities. I reached out to RUTUS a while back to see if I could find out a bit more about their company. They were very pleasant to deal with and even the language barrier didn’t stop us from putting something together here!
RUTUS is located in Poland. Check out their website here https://www.rutus.com.pl/en
Check out their latest, the Versa, HERE

Rutus Metal Detectors agreed to answer a few questions for us here at Detectorstuff.
Q. What inspired the owners of RUTUS to start a metal detecting business?
A. Arkadiusz started to search with metal detectors as a seventeen-year-old with his father. He then started to build his own metal detector in about 1998.
Q. How long have you been in business?
A. RUTUS as a company was founded in 2003.
Q. Do any of the people who work at RUTUS metal detect as a hobby?
A. Out of the 8 people working in the company , 4 are metal detectorists.
Q. How many models of metal detectors do you make?
A. From the start: First, First Plus, Ultra, Ultra II, Solaris, Proxima, Argo, Optima, Jupiter, Alter71, Argo NE, Ultima, Atrex, Versa.
Q. If you had to pick one or two strong points of your metal detectors vs. other brands, what would it be?
A. RUTUS detectors are created by an experienced metal detectorist not by an engineer from big company. We keep very close contact with our customers to help them…and we listen to their comments and requests.
Q. Sadly, I see that you don’t sell in the USA. Do you think you may one of these days?
A. Yes, we hope that it will be possible in the future.
Q. The Versa is your latest detector and is making waves in the hobby world! What makes it unique?
A. Dual mode – fusion of motion and non motion modes gives more information about find – it’s like having both eyes open while searching.

Q. Do you already have plans for another detector down the road?
A. Top secret 🙂

Special thanks to Wioletta Rutyna at RUTUS for taking time out of their busy schedule to answer a few questions!