This time I take apart the Display/control pod! In the first part of this series, I “deconstructed” the under-arm housing. LINK HERE. Upon removing the screws on the control pod, I am very impressed by the use of a nice heavy rubber bushing/seal. So far, all parts appear to be very high quality on the Spectra V3. Each half of the display seat into a recessed groove…nice and water tight! There’s also a beefy rubber grommet/seal where the pod back connects to the back of the handle…once again helping keep the elements at bay….

*Use CAUTION when reassembling! Put the whole thing back together with pressure from your fingers…making sure all the parts are seated properly. DO NOT use the screws to “pull” it back together or you may strip them out!

Thanks again to the great folks at White’s Electronics (Carl and Alan!) A full review of the V3 is coming very soon!