I have a question about MD forums
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- This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
at #2353
If this is a violation, please let me know.I was at TreasureNet, been a member since 06, and was in on the thread about the Ironclad Viking digger. The thread I was on was started in 2012. It was all about the trials and input for a member (Goldmoon) to make a MD digger that was a better tool than the Lesche. I posted a pic and link on this site. The guy that makes the Viking is a 8-5 working man who developed the Viking for himself. When some people saw it, they wanted him to make one for them. So he agreed to make 10 at a time, and sell them on EBay. When he went to TreasureNet and posted that they could buy one and gave the link, TreasureNet removed it and said he had to be a dealer to do so.Now it doesn't stop there. Goldmoon said he understood. Yet there are many links on TreasureNet where a guy has a buddy who will make a leather sheath for your Lesche/Pinpointer (a link is given), a magnifying glass/lanyard for Garrett/TRX Pinpointers (with a link), etc. Etc. People making accessories to make MDing a little easier. I went to Finds forum (a member since 06) and asked if the community thought it was fair. I said I understood the dealer involvement in helping forums financially, but were these weekend warrior really a danger to dealers. They sell one thing, and I'm sure dealers don't make their living on a Lesche. Plus you can see that the Viking costs almost twice the price of a Lesche making it a "specialized" digger, and not one directly competing with a Lesche.When I asked this question at Finds, they just removed it within an hour. No notice or reason to me. When do forums cross the line that it's more important to attempt to make you buy only what their dealers sell and not let information be posted of other possibilities that may exist? If someone came out with the best digger in the world for $10, should the forums keep it quiet to make you buy from "their" dealers? What ever happened to NEWS? And TreasureNet has been asking people to become Charter Members for $20 a year, with a perk being able to sell in their classifieds. Shouldn't this be enough for Goldmoon to sell his Viking?I know it's politics. But I don't care for limited freedom from commercialized control. It kills the little guy, and we should have a choice, not be directed by greed. If this post violates, remove it. I'm getting used to it.
We normally don't remove anything unless it has nothing to do with detecting. Some sites are run as a business and I can see their reasons for protecting a business. Many other sites are independent and are looking for new ideas. There have been diggers, scoops and other items listed on here. Mark has the final say. A couple of us can monitor and remove the spam that shows up now and then. I have no problem with your question but I am easy to get along with 😀
at #3315
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with a guy doing that.But I suppose some forums would be touchy about it.I got shouted down by a dealer when I complained about Garrett supplying headphones for the Ace 250 which had no volume control.When almost everyone knows that the Ace's signals are very loud indeed.That particular dealer caused me to leave that forum and never return to it. Even though he sold many other makes of detectors. >:( >:(
My philosophy is that as long as it's related to the hobby, it's fair game. As far as rules, I just feel it should be “legal” enterprise and I try to make sure things are discussed in a civil manner. I don't make money on Detectorstuff, so am not influenced by advertisers or profit…this is purely a hobby site. If I ever do start a business of selling detectors and gear, I still would not change these opinions and all would still be welcome to express themselves.
at #3317
It's nice to know. There comes a point at some places that it's not about promoting the hobby as much as how much can be made off of it. The guy making the Viking made it clear that he didn't make much building them, and was more of a labor of love. TreasureNet made it clear if he want to share that labor, “show me the money”.
at #3321
Heck, invite him to post about it over here. We get way more folks visiting the site than you would think...they're just lurkers.
I'm proud to call you my friend Mark.I'll second that.Goldmoon is welcome anytime.
at #3324
There's room for everyone in here.As long as they are detectorists. 8) 8)
I thought about becoming one someday.lol 😉
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