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  • Hey Ian, glad you had a good hunt.  I guess the family that plays together lays together ha ha

    Yeah np I got a good laugh at that one.

    Sounds like you had a nice day and a little profit to boot. Thanks for the post Ian. Site seems a little slow lately. The woods have grown quickly this year so I will be hitting ball parks and fairgrounds shortly. Got to get in shape for the beach come Oct.

    Yeah it has been slow lately.So start up now getting into shape for the beach. ;D ;DI need a wee bit competition.We're going to Cornwall the last 2 weeks in September,that's a week earlier than normal for us.If the finds are more during that fortnight, we'll be sticking to it next year.

    Wow!  Cool finding a US silver quarter in your neck of the woods, Ian!

    I can tell you it was a great thrill to find it. 8) 8)It wasn't even deep, 4 inches. Although the sand level was pretty low.I'd say it was about 3 yards lower than the norm.I was delighted to find that silver quarter.

    Thanks guys.I still think there are a lot of idiots out there who can't pin point to save their lives.It's even worse when their determined to dig to China.  ???The holes are getting bigger and wider and they just can't work without a spade.  >:( >:(These folks are needing to be taught a lot of lessons.

    We once found a witchcraft/occult thing. >:( >:(From the day we found it things started going wrong for us.Household things breaking down, and just a continuous run of bad luck.Things improved drastically after I chucked it. 8) 8)I never ever believed in that type of thing until then.

    Well I found out what it was, it's a Thor's hammer which is the Scandinavian god of thunder n lightening and most of the symbols are from Scandinavian Celtic.But it also has a dark side.Seemingly it's used by hate groups and had been adopted by the Nazi's.At the bottom each side is the number 8, which is a code for HH meaning Heil Hitler.According to what I can find out it's used in letters to Nazi friends, using just the number twice after the signature.Not the sort of thing either of us would wear.Pity because it's actually quite a nice looking thing.

    With the price of fuel here we need every £ we can get.Our fuel at the moment is £6:07 = $10:22 per gal.Yeah, we really would be struggling without our tot lots.Of course the older ones go in at night and drink and get careless with their money.We could do with a spell of hot weather to help us along too.

    I bet it can't come quick enough.We're now only 50% down on last April's total.Fortunately January, February and March were up on last year's.

    I'm pretty sure that's Bill Gray's website.Also in a previous life known as Florida Bill.

    Yeah I do get a lot of fun out of it.Sometimes, just sometimes it can lead to job enquiries.I've got 3 enquiries pending at the momentI even picked up a job while we were doing the shopping yesterday.If I get it , it'll be a first for me.They want me to play for a cricket match in July.!!!!!!!

      My cousin does her busking on the streets of Austin TX. Every once in a while she gets rousted by a street cop who views it as panhandling. This upsets her to no end 🙂

    I've never had a problem with the police while busking ever.Quite the reverse they are always very amiable, I think it's because they know I create a happy atmosphere.For them it means less trouble.On the odd occasion I've even had on duty policemen crank the handle and grinning from ear to ear.

    The only other thing you can do is to post a copy of thedetectorists code of ethics.You must insist that all members should adhere to the same.Maybe the older guys will come to their senses.

    Ouch,I'm sorry to hear about your dilemma NP.I agree with tink and Mark.So the founding member deserts the club, taking the two younger ones with him hoping to teach them right from wrong.Nothing for it but to move to another state.Aaw man that's real sad, I can't believe there are not more younger folks just started in the hobby looking for hints n tips.

    Thanks Mark, Tink and Steve for the birthday wishes. 🙂 🙂

    Thanks guys, much appreciated.I had a big problem with my organ yesterday.It had started to squeak on every rotation of the crank,on a complete stripdown yesterday I found a dried up con rod bearing.So I removed the bearing and leaving the organ stripped down in the kitchen decided to go get a new one made.But when I went out a stupid idiot of a driver had parked across my driveway. Holding me up for half an hour.I eventually got a couple of new bearings keeping one for a spare.Which made our dinner late by about 1 1/2 hours thanks to the idiot.At least it's fixed now and ready to go. 🙂 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 133 total)