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  • We have been on a fixed income for 16 years and we did have to really tighten our belts.At the moment for our cable TV, Phone, and internetwe pay £62.00 = $93.29 a month.We never eat out, never go to the cinema or never go to a pub.Our entertainment is beach detecting and from time to time I take out the organ out for a blast. ;D ;D

    Thanks tink.Your certainly right there. "it's like falling in love all over again." ;D ;D

    Yes tink, we had a lot of fun on the beach with our new detectors.It felt a bit cold but it didn't bother us.We were so pleased to find coin after coin, when you considerwe had been over it all many times before with our F70s.We are now Makro enthusiast's. 8) 8) 8) 8)

    OK here are the pics.

    They arrived just as we were sitting down to dinner at 17:00.Unfortunately we didn't get out with them today, as we had to get the weekly shopping.We will be having an all day hunt on a couple or three local beaches tomorrow, but they do appear to be hunted out for time being.These beaches should be a really hard test for the Racer's.After having built them up, we are exceptionally pleased with the strong build quality. Puts our Fisher F70s to shame.They do have a lovely feel to them as well.I'm totally convinced we've done the right thing.It feels like a Rolls Royce compared to a Mini. 8) 8) 8) 8)

      HEY! Way to go. This is the time of year I get a little envious. I see on another site a guy detecting in deep snow over frozen ground, but I can wait. I hunker over my vise tying trout flies with visions of flowing water and big fish. Probably 6 weeks before any detecting.        Fishing will get started before detecting so maybe I'll have to post some pics for that.

    Hang tough tink.Your time will come.Just keep warm for the time being.

    You and miss Mary stay in and keep tucked up.I think we're all waiting for the weather to break.

    Ya sure got it good tink.We've only had a dusting a couple of times but the temps have been hovering around 0 c.But with bitter cold winds it's too cold to venture out.We've been toying with the idea of getting a couple of new detectors, namely the Nokta Macro Racer.  8) 8)But we're hanging off until we can see a couple of field tests.Their supposed to be on the market this month.

    Would ya believe it,I've still got an ache in my swingin' shoulder and another in my lower back.It's amazing how ya get out of condition when ya don't get out much.We've been getting sunshine and rain accompanied by bitter cold winds.It's normal for us but sometimes it does seem to go on forever.I can't wait for things to heat up a bit.

    There's room for everyone in here.As long as they are detectorists. 8) 8)

    Hey np,that was a great 2 hour hunt ya had there.How I wish we could pick up that many coins in a couple of hours. Jewelry was thin on the ground here as well,I guess the public are wising up to going to the beach with good bling, and the youngsters are not so prone to partying on the beaches now.Too many of them are playing computer games at home.Which makes it tough for us.Credit cards ain't helpin' much either.

    Heck, invite him to post about it over here.  We get way more folks visiting the site than you would think...they're just lurkers.

    I'm proud to call you my friend Mark.I'll second that.Goldmoon is welcome anytime.

    Personally, I don't see anything wrong with a guy doing that.But I suppose some forums would be touchy about it.I got shouted down by a dealer when I complained about Garrett supplying headphones for the Ace 250 which had no volume control.When almost everyone knows that the Ace's signals are very loud indeed.That particular dealer caused me to leave that forum and never return to it. Even though he sold many other makes of detectors. >:( >:(

    No-one gets to see our huge collection of bottle caps or Pulltabs.We dispose of them in the bins at the various beaches.Bottle caps ring up in the £1- £2 coin range,and pulltabs in our 20/50 pence coin range. ;D ;D

    Hey tink.That's still a good 4 or 5 handfuls.Ya did well there buddy. ;D ;D

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